TRAINER/Network Partner


“You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself” (Galileo Galilei). Wibke Tesch draws on this quotation to motivate her seminar participants to active and sustained learning. She regards herself as a moderator and support provider when it comes to experience and the development of one's own knowledge. Many years of professional experience in the international corporate environment mean that practical relevance in particular is of decisive importance to her when it comes to the transfer of knowledge in a personal area of responsibility. She impresses immensely through a wealth of interaction and, most importantly, her positive energy, because “learning is easier with a laugh and a positive attitude” – and it is exactly this attitude that is the embodiment of Wibke Tesch, through and through.


  • Studied and gained a degree in business administration (VWA)
  • Trained as an industrial sales representative (IHK - Chamber of Industry and Commerce)

Professional experience

  • Corporate expertise in commercial sales, controlling and asset management
  • Support of restructuring projects in the corporate environment
  • Intercultural experience in projects of a foreign regional company
  • Several years on a commercial consulting project for an globally active automotive supplier
  • Job applicant training and coaching of graduates
  • International cross-sector training expertise of skilled employees and executives
  • Freelance trainer and consultant since 2007 (www.in-visio.de)

Additional qualifications

  • Accredited INSIGHTS MDI® trainer/consultant, Scheelen AG
  • Licensed trainer for Celemi business simulations (training in English and German)
  • Moderation and presentation in TV and off-air moderation formats, Moderatorenschule München (centre for media training)
  • Certified trainer for methodological work with seminar actors, BDVT
  • Train the Trainer (Commax Consulting GmbH, Celemi – The Power of Learning)

Authority on

  • Business simulations for the following topics:
  • Business administration (Apples & Oranges®)
  • Strategy (Decision Base®)
  • Personnel development (Tango®)
  • Management training
  • Potential analyses/behaviour profiles
  • Sales training/customer orientation
  • Time and self-management
  • Communications training
  • Presentation training
  • Moderation of events/groups