
“Be NEW!” These three letters speak on the one hand for Stephanie Forster's character and, simultaneously, her training and concept design. Her “curiosity” means she is continually searching for chances to optimise and connect among participants and also both existing and new training concepts. For her, “empathy” means transforming the personality traits, motives, emotions and ideas of each participant into something very special and being ready to do this at any time. “Appreciation” is what Stephanie lives and works for. Personally, she says: “No success experience is greater than the thanks you receive at the end of a training seminar.” This means both “Thanks for putting up with me for two or three days” and “Thank you for allowing me to help you with your development.”


  • Degree in business administration (BA) with an emphasis on trade
  • Galeria Kaufhof GmbH – Qualification as Head of Sales Department with management responsibility
  • Management and change (Dr. Ralf Teichgräber)
  • Gemini Personalservice GmbH – Trainer qualification
  • Commax trainer qualification

Professional experience

  • Senior consultant and trainer at Commax Consulting GmbH & Co. KG Trainer and consultant with customer responsibility at Commax Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
  • Trainer at Commax Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
  • Many years of experience as an executive and trainer at Galeria Kaufhof GmbH
  • Ski instructor

Additional qualifications

  • Accredited for Human Synergistics Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI)
  • DiSG® instructor, authorised partner, Everything DiSG®(A Wiley Brand)
  • Certified DiSG® trainer
  • Certified trainer for methodological work with seminar actors, BDVT
  • Accredited team management trainer, Margerison-McCann
  • Trainer qualification course at Commax Consulting GmbH
  • Management and change (Dr. Ralf Teichgräber)

Authority on

  • Modular talent and executive development
  • Personality development
  • Management and sales training
  • Management and sales coaching
  • Moderation of team workshops
  • Presentation techniques