Markus Wenz

TRAINER/Network Partner


“I believe that everybody can flourish every day”, says Markus Wenz. Which is why he supports his participants in their personal development in every training seminar or coaching and communicates content in a systematic, holistic, experience-oriented and sustainable manner. From small to large. Simple to complex. Theoretical to practical. From knowledge to action! It is important for him in this respect to work on equal terms and in dialogue with people. Only in this manner he can achieve the openness in others required to initiate change and development.


  • Business economist (FH) with an emphasis on sales and marketing
  • Business coach and trainer
  • Systemic coach
  • Strategies and techniques for developing strong brands, Prof. Dr. Franz-Rudolf Esch

Professional experience

  • Freelance trainer Service Design Thinking at #superworks
  • Senior consultant & trainer at Commax Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
  • Freelancer strategic communications consulting
  • Many years experience as an executive, project manager and communications consultant for national and international companies

Additional qualifications

  • Design Thinking Vodafone Group, London
  • Change management & organizational consulting at the ICO Institute, certified by Qualitätsring Coaching & Beratung
  • Certified trainer for methodological work with seminar actors, BDVT
  • Trainer qualification course at Commax Consulting GmbH & Co. KG

Authority on

  • Design Thinking and Service Design Thinking
  • New Work and agile working
  • Leadership training and coaching
  • Personality development
  • Motivation and team training
  • Presentation techniques