TRAINER/Network Partner


“Just try it out”, says Christian Tüchsen. A trainer with many years of experience in sales, he encourages his participants to put that which they have learned into practice without delay. Each participant has the opportunity to try things out in every training or coaching event. “After all, that's what training's for! You train for practical situations!” And he considers it important to create realistic situations in this respect. He works with examples drawn from his own experience and, through a vividly figurative and entertaining narrative, ensures that knowledge is communicated on a sustainable level.


  • Trained as an automotive salesperson

Professional experience

  • Trainer at Commax Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
  • Personnel developer and authorised officer
  • Trainer and coach
  • Team leader and sales representative
  • Sales representative, in-house and field service

Additional qualifications

  • Mimic resonance® training, NLP Kompetenzen
  • Certified hypnotist, System23
  • Vodafone trainer qualification
  • Vodafone coaching qualification
  • Trainer certificate from the IHK (Chamber of Industry & Commerce)

Authority on

  • Management and sales coaching
  • De-escalation
  • Customer and service orientation
  • Employee discussions and feedback
  • Active Sales