TRAINER/Network Partner


What makes a good trainer? Experience, know-how, competence or a good concept? They're all very important. As is the ability to motivate participants so that they are receptive to training and the content and don't spend their time watching the clock. Only training that is also fun can transform an apparently dry, rather colourless theory into an exciting voyage of discovery and ensure a later transfer success. Practical relevance and creativity are vital if this is to succeed on a sustained level. Vivid learning experiences are created as a result – experiences which participants are not likely to forget in a hurry!


  • Studied law at the University of Regensburg and Universidad de Córdoba/ Spain

Professional experience

  • Independent trainer and coach
  • Practising mediator ITM, business mediator (cvm), international certified mediator D A CH
  • Trainer for mediation and conflict management at the Institut für Transformative Mediation, ITM in München
  • Lecturer für mediation and conflict management
  • Independent attorney with own office in Munich

Additional qualifications

  • Trained as transformative mediator at ITM - institute for transfomative mediation, Munich
  • Trained as business mediator (cvm - centrumfürverhandlungenundmediation - centre for negotiations and mediation, jetzt: MuCDR), Munich
  • Accredited INSIGHTS MDI® consultant
  • International Intensive Training (IIT), Nonviolent Communication after Marshall Rosenberg, Albuquerque/ USA
  • Advanced Mediation Skills Training at NCRC - National Conflict Resolution Center, San Diego/ USA
  • Certified trainer for methodological work with seminar actors, Institut Synergie, Vlotho

Authority on

  • Mediation and mediative action
  • Communications training
  • Conflict management
  • Negotiation management
  • Labour law training
  • Training/ Communication of legal issues