Commax Consulting.

A consulting approach for people, organizations and values.

We and you.

Commax is management consultancy that focuses on personnel and organisational development.
Our approach: look at the people, the organisation and what they both stand for – what the system radiates. How do the people in a company organise themselves? What values and convictions do they express by doing so? Which ones take them there? And what measures, formats, methods and instruments can we use to influence their skills and behaviours? We answer these questions in our approach to consulting.


Come in - and we find out.

We people are the linchpin when it comes to shaping change. However: we’re naturally allergic to just that. So many successful strategies for preservation. At organisational level and at neurobiological level. So why change something? It’s all going well, isn’t it? Could be worse – a lot worse. Hello there, scaredy-cat, welcome to the club. How do you really feel about yourself? How much do you believe in your own ability to change things? What experiences help you? What convictions stop you? What do you feel when you achieve a goal, overcome a hurdle? And – and this is something that is very important with every change – what would you like to leave as it is? What pillars, methods, instruments support the area of change? Yours, and those of your sphere of influence. Seek, and you shall find. Open up, and you might learn something. This also applies when it comes to coping with change.


Changing culture does not work? No way!

Some people say that it’s almost impossible for us to influence corporate culture. Others say: yes, you can. So who’s right? We say: everyone is. History tells us that very often, very little changes. Especially in our perception – and when we think that nothing’s going to happen anyway. At the same time, there are always people who are able to bring about significant change. If only because – or perhaps precisely because – they hold on tight to something: their own convictions. But what do you do if your name isn’t Martin Luther, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking? If your goal isn’t to achieve a quantum leap in the history of mankind? But to create processes, build structures and successfully guide a team to tomorrow? Even if that sometimes means it has to shrink. We advise you to start with something that you can most definitely affect and understand: your own thoughts and actions. And interventions can build on from that to change the thoughts and actions of others. We’ll be happy to tell you more about our approach to consulting and what happens next in a personal chat.


Desire needs a direction.

What does the subject of values have to do with personnel and organisational development? Firstly: we all understand values, and can relate to them. As a person, co-worker, manager, critic, endorser. So we have an idea of values that we can transfer to other contexts. Secondly: like few phenomena of our time, values are the object of deep-seated projections, wishes and expectations. We want values to give us something that we can believe in. And thirdly: values can be shaped and changed. Like a process, an organisational structure, a function or a task. Based on these facts, Commax works in three ways. The first: we train staff to make them the ambassadors of their corporate or brand values. To see an example of how this happens, look at the ‘Connecting lives’ project at Munich airport. The second: we bring together the principles of design and communication of corporate values and congruent personality development. The result: our ‘Brand me’ training. One way of expressing our own values, thought structures and behaviour patterns with regard to a specific role in balance, and then expressing it congruently. And then the third, of course: value-based leadership.


How do we actually measure success?

Considered economically, in theory it’s easy to measure corporate success. Profits, sales figures, cost savings. But what exactly are we measuring? And what statements do we ignore when we make these considerations? What about binding staff to their jobs? How happy are my managers? Do my staff see any point in their daily activities? Figures can also express something other than money and time. We did our 2014 balance sheet differently, just for a change. Relevant findings? Our trainers and consultants travelled a total of just under 950,000 kilometres to move and enthuse more than 17,000 participants. And they all think it was worth the effort.